Recommendations for Winter Seoul

Yay! Now, time for Seoul recommendations!

Nami Island
Not my first time visiting the Nami Island. Nothing much has changed, except the ice sculpting section in the island. 

oOo~ Snow!

Many people sliding down the snow 

Each time I see this polar bear, I wanna laugh... (see next photo)

HAHAHAHAHA! I'm such an idiot~

Ice sculpting section!

The rest of the Nami island is the same. Oh! We also visited this part of Nami island which I missed out the year before. 

Super zen and breath-taking lake (I think it's lake)

With such stunning view, how can we not take wefies right? 😜

No people at all! <3

Garden of the Morning Calm

Although I've been to Nami Island and Petite France tour for like twice, it's my first time visiting this place... And I kind of regret not visiting this place earlier!

Pink pink!

He's taking picture of us, we took a picture of him taking picture of us

Purple purple!

Look like a poet sia~

Magic mushrooms! 

Super <3 the half invisible mushrooms infront of the tree... Looks so magical~

Cinderella's carriage

MX's bridge... LOL!
Gyeongbokgung Palace
For the pretty photos, I'm willing to visit this place >1 times! HAHAHA!

Thanks for photobombing... whoever you are... =\

有小偷! Did you spot him? =P 

That's all for Seoul~ Sorry for all my photos with messy hair! It was very cold and windy in Seoul. Haha! And I enjoyed my days in Busan > Seoul (as usual).


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